Letter to you


From exploring sound. Creating sound for me is very Visual. It is creating shapes and shaping. Creating sound is about space. It’s creating a space. I had sound with feeling..The house of leaves gave it meaning. And because that’s where my inspiration started I would like you to take this on as a startingpoint. It’s like starting from white noise or like the noise on a TV screen: there are no harmonics and no shapes, but intuïtively you feel them. I guess I work fromout of intuïtion and feeling. Slowly a shape appears, because I’ve been moulding the feelings, the ideas,... Slowly I choose in the huge amount of information what will become relevant data and what not... It is a bit like our way of living these theys being overwhelmed, or like surfing on the internet. An echo-chamber is many things: ... This is research in first instance. Like a lab. But unlike science we work from out of subjectivity and maybe include the science with it, or invest it with imaginary worlds... The resonance between the House of leaves and the sound I wrote created a world for me. Not a vast world but a potential world, at this moment, a world I want to shape together with you. So in a way, I would like you to read the first part of The house of leaves. And when the echo-part stops, I want to start, with you… Resonances are worlds. We all create spaces. Spaces are everywhere. They’re spheres. Our body is a space, dwelling skins of architecture,… The book gave the abstract souns a platform. The book multiplied the space. And isn’t this what happens the whole time: we live in multiple spaces and we keep on creating and shaping them. And sometimes we feel lost, or we build them with walls that are to thick, or walls that are too thin, so the outside world bangs in and you feel like you lose you’re sense of spaceshaping… The house of leaves talks about a room that is bigger on the inside than it is on the outside… and that’s what this is all about for me. It’s the grey zone of inspiration, an amouhnt of space that is perceived not to be there. What fascinates me in Echo is the combination of myth, math, architecture, sound,… A room defines an echo An echo defines a room Acoustic spaces are about echo and reverbaration The nymph Echo is searching for something she’ll never get… but doing that, even repeating the same thing, she creates something different the whole time… She keeps on creating… After telling these personal things, something concrete: Echochamber.blogspot.com Is one of our researchspaces. It would be nice if everyone reads the House of Leaves until that ECHO-part. And then starts posting comments on the blog or even create your own blog to link with it. I propose: ECHOCHAMBER-HANNA.blogspot.com ECHOCHAMBER-ELKE.blogspot.com And so on… So we start here. And create this space together. A space of thoughts, visuals, anything. It can be a space of overload. Then I propose we come together in ECHO.BASE a couple of times. And I propose that people e-mail me their possibilities of meeting, so I will puzzle together an agenda: I propose that we start concrete rehearsals from December on. They will take soms months. Please send me your possibilities of working and meeting. (the days in a week when you can, the amount of time you can invest in it, …) -then I also have these ideas, they’re not demands, but I would like to propose this. It comes fromout of the way I know you all: -I see Hanna and Elke building some kind of real structure, something visual, like a space… Maybe some kind of object where people can be either in – or outside. And I see images projected on that space… which vreate another space and I hear sounds that also multiply that space… -I see Bruno and Anne writing. Writing a story or so, an imaginary world,… -I see Ellen in a more “obsessive” part, working on what she does: very very fine lines between what is banal and what is meaningfull (in my view that is very much the nymph Echo…) -I see Michiel very much into something scientific and then again very much into the body as a space, the body in the space…the mouvements that can slightly change the space… -myself: well I’m the initiator, some kind of director. But actually it is more something like I do when I make music: I want to shape. Like shaping sounds, I would like to shape this, as if you’re all different voices telling the same thing and I try to make this polyphonic. Shaping and glueing. Our first meetings I see them as this: We come together and we bring plenty of stuff, material, objects, ideas, text, … This will grow also out of our blog-experience. The rehearsals are in first instance like preparation. I don’t want to rehearse actions.


echochamber said...

Letters: Pelafina H. Lièvre
The mother.
The Whalestoe Letters

Pelafina writes these letters to Johnny from The Three Attic Whalestoe Institute, a mental institution where she has been residing for a number of years. While a number of these letters appear in House of Leaves, The Whalestoe Letters introduces a number of new letters which serve to more fully develop Pelafina's character as well as her relationship to Johnny.

POE said...